Sell on Redbubble

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How to start selling on Redbubble

Redbubble says - Creative? Like money? Open a shop in minutes. For free. Just upload your art and designs and leave the rest to us. We handle all the printing (on over 60 quality products) and shipping to almost anywhere on earth. Ready? Let’s go. 

I really like Redbubble, it has a very logical format and it is very straight forward with a simple process to load an image and add it to all their products. Set a royalty fee - this is completely up to you, and you can see how the percentage you choose affects the price - and off you go. 

Good clear descriptive titles are important with relevant keywords that describe your products from a customers prospective. 

Redbubble has a lovely community feel and there are a vast selection of groups you can join to showcase your art, designs and photographs. There are also friendly competitions you can enter, usually with a theme or topic. Try searching for groups that match your style and join in. 

As always it is important to market your products once they are available via the usual social media options. I find Pinterest generates the most clicks and visits but I know a lot of people find instagram to be very good, not forgetting Facebook and twitter.

Take a look at Redbubble - click on the image above